And now without further ado....
These first two donations from Jennifer and Wendy are the Just Enough Ruffles scarf, available on Ravelry.
Caitlin did not have time to do the lace scarf for the exchange. She took her yarn allotment, added things from her own stash and sent in this beautiful stripy scarf.
Dear Pinkknit-a-thonners -
I'm so glad I found out about your site from the Lancaster Yarn Shop. My mom is in treatment for ovarian cancer and so I decided to knit some hats for her. Then I found out about your project and knitted the yarn I had left over for additional hats.
The phrase* I put on the tags is one my mom found and taped to her kitchen cupboard. She's so optimistic and helps us to have hope. So far, all her results have been good and the chemotherapy is working. She still has 6 months of chemotherapy.
* "In facing the unknown, hope is as reasonable as despair." (Guideposts)
AND! thanks to Carol for remembering the tags! Yikes! I completely forgot. So if you haven't already sent your donations, please take a moment to add the kind of yarn you used (wool, silk, cotton, acrylic), washing instructions, and anything else. Thanks!
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